When will it stop?

Is it just me or are shavers being being released with one added blade every couple of years?

Just saw a commercial for a Gillette men’s shaver with no less than 5 blades!!

I use an electric shaver now but I remember using a twin blade shaver before and that did me just fine.

Not sure how much they cost but I’d rather buy two and a half twin blades over a five blade one.

One day there might be a 20 blade shaver. And you will be able to shave the whole face in just one stroke!!!

September 27, 2008. Tags: , , . Opinions, Randomness. 1 comment.

Some never learn (or don’t care)

OK. I’m still unemployed and as a result I spend most of my time at home. I get to see the in’s and out’s of what’s happening outside my flat. Think of me as the neighbourhood watch person!!

Anyhoo, this morning a person parked their car on the other side of the road to my block of flats. That’s normal? Not if you have the car facing the other way! Yes, this happens to people from time to time. I don’t know what could possibly be on their minds when they do that. I guess there could be countries in the world where that is OK.

The parking officers are hardcore in my council and before I knew it they had a ticket for parking on the street facing the wrong way. That was this morning. The car was there until after lunch and then they left.


I’ve justed noticed that the car is back AND THEY’VE PARKED IN THE SAME SPOT AND FACING THE WRONG WAY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What’s wrong with that person??????? I should be a good samaritan and put a note on their windscreen or something. Or maybe after they get their second ticket they will learn.

September 15, 2008. Tags: , , . Funny, People, Randomness. 3 comments.

Supergroove…ah the memories

A recent discussion on the BV Forum asked what live music people have seen. I don’t see much live music anymore but I used to in my late teens to mid 20s. I remembered that I’d seen a Kiwi funk band called Supergroove a few times and loved them. They split up in 1997 but got back together last year, with a slightly different lineup. They were awesome live, something you can’t tell by their CD or videos. Here is their biggest hit “Can’t Get Enough”:

And the same song live (not great quality but you get the idea):

If they came to Melb again I’d definitely see them.

September 4, 2008. Tags: , , , , . Bike Victoria (BV), Entertainment, Internet, Memory, music, Video, YouTube. 6 comments.

Note to self…

DO NOT blanch Brussels Sprouts before roasting them. And DO NOT roast for more than 40 minutes. I did both of these things last night and they turned out like mush.

Of course I still ate them! Nothing a bit of butter, salt & pepper can’t fix.

September 2, 2008. Tags: . Food. 1 comment.