Supergroove…ah the memories

A recent discussion on the BV Forum asked what live music people have seen. I don’t see much live music anymore but I used to in my late teens to mid 20s. I remembered that I’d seen a Kiwi funk band called Supergroove a few times and loved them. They split up in 1997 but got back together last year, with a slightly different lineup. They were awesome live, something you can’t tell by their CD or videos. Here is their biggest hit “Can’t Get Enough”:

And the same song live (not great quality but you get the idea):

If they came to Melb again I’d definitely see them.

September 4, 2008. Tags: , , , , . Bike Victoria (BV), Entertainment, Internet, Memory, music, Video, YouTube. 6 comments.

John Mayer gives his dad Mac IT Support

I quite like John Mayer. I’ve got his most recent album, Continuum, where its starting to show his move into a more bluesey feel. The best track is definitely Gravity. The album version is fine, but check out his live performances of that song on YouTube if you’re interested. There’s like a 5 minute guitar solo!

Anyway, I just came across this funny video of John Mayer coming out of a building and he’s on the mobile phone with his dad. You soon realise that he’s giving his dad IT Support for his Mac. Sounds like he’s missing a shortcut or something. Apart from getting a bit frustrated at times John Mayer’s actually quite good at explaining to a user how to do something on the computer.

Having worked (and probably will work in the future) as an IT Support officer I found it amusing watching a celebrity talk IT, that’s all. Hehe

If John Mayer’s music career ever goes down the drain…

July 30, 2008. Tags: , , , . Computers, Entertainment, Funny, Video, YouTube. 1 comment.

Some people have way too much time on their hands!

Very cool though

March 4, 2008. Entertainment, Internet, Randomness, Video. 1 comment.

Dramatic lemur

This made be giggle:

Have you ever felt like this?

February 8, 2008. Tags: . Animals, Funny, Video, YouTube. 1 comment.

Dock of the bay – CrazyTalk style

I’ve been at it again!! I really should be doing my thesis proposal but I felt like a bit of a chirp…

August 24, 2007. Entertainment, music, Video, YouTube. Leave a comment.

And now…presenting

As I’ve mentioned I like my YouTube. I was getting ready to go home today and I thought, “I want to make a music video, too!”. So I did. And so armed with the work webcam I recorded myself singing over the top of one of my favourite songs (whilst finalising my cycling gear).

August 8, 2007. Entertainment, Internet, music, Randomness, Video, YouTube. 3 comments.


I have two current obsessions: Cycling, that’s nothing new. Been cycling regularly since last Dec…Don’t really need to say anything else. I think my participation on the BV forum is evident enough. Went for a drool at LBS TFM…some 08 Giants and Avantis have started rolling in, which means in a couple of months there should be an 07 sale!!!

My other (perhaps bigger) obsession is YouTube. Now, I’ve been a viewer of YouTube for while, but I only started an account in the last half year or so. Even then, I only looked at the odd video now and again. In the last month or so, however, I’ve been on it daily (sometimes for hours on end *looks guilty*) and I’ve only recently started subscribing, commenting and rating. My “And I’m telling you (I’m not going)” obession is unfortunately still there and I must still listen to one of the many versions of the song daily.

What’s making matters worse is that I have a growing list of songs I must hear/see daily. Two in particular are by YouTubers ysabellabrave and GrannyPanties30. Check them out yourself, but in the mean time, these are my favourite songs of theirs.

Stay (Faraway, So Close) – by U2

It was hard to decide with GrannyPanties30, but I’ve gone with On My Own (from Les Miserable) for now.

August 4, 2007. Cycling, music, Randomness, Video, YouTube. Leave a comment.

I want a theremin!!!!

Just saw this instrument called a theremin on ABC’s Spicks and Specks. It was invented in 1919 but looks really space age. The coolest thing is that you don’t need to touch it to play it!!!

Video of someone playing “Video killed the radio star” on it…

August 1, 2007. music, TV, Video, YouTube. 1 comment.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Testing a few technologies, and inspired by people on YouTube who sing and/or make their own music clips. Enjoy

July 29, 2007. music, Video, YouTube. 2 comments.

The Moz

I’m not depressed or anything but I’ve just spent the last two hours on YouTube watching Morrissey and The Smiths clips!!! Hehe…

He was probably famous for being a miserable sod but I’m just reminiscing about the good old days of Britpop and going clubbing back in the mid 90s…bopping along to groups like Suede, Oasis, Pulp and the Cardigans. Good times…

That’s all, should get to bed now. Leave you with this:

July 26, 2007. music, Randomness, Video, YouTube. 1 comment.

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