And I’m telling you

I’m a bit obsessed with the song “And I’m telling you (I’m not going)” by Jennifer Holliday at the moment. It was from the Dreamgirls show back in 80 something and then made famous again when the film version came out, with Jennifer Hudson (of American Idol fame) played the part of Effie. I started checking out youtube for different versions of it and its not an easy song to sing. Here’s some of the best of what I’ve found (all live performances):

the jennifer holliday original

jennifer holliday again, but looking a little different

jennifer hudson

the filipina divas (Regine Velasquez (in a long, bright yellow gown), Sarah Geronimo, Sheryn Regis, and Kyla)

regine velasquez by herself

Von Smith (a guy)

can’t forget little bianca ryan (11 yrs old at the time)

whitney houston (pre-drugs)

jasmine trias (from american idol 1 think)

Sara Niemietz

Sara Niemietz (at age 10)

that’s probably enough…for now

July 4, 2007. music, Video.


  1. Lisa replied:

    Now that is a lot of you tube thingy’s in the one post -blink-

  2. word2yomama replied:

    Yep. All of the same song! I could have put a few more, but that would just be ridiculous…

  3. Obsessed!! « Mind Blogging Stuff replied:

    […] *looks guilty*) and I’ve only recently started subscribing, commenting and rating. My “And I’m telling you (I’m not going)” obession is unfortunately still there and I must still listen to one of the many versions of […]

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